CDex can extract the data directly (digital) from an Audio CD, which is generally called a CD Ripper or a CDDA utility. The resulting audio file can be a plain WAV file (useful for making compilation audio CDs) or the ripped audio data can be compressed using an audio encoder such as MP3, FLAC, AAC, WMA or OGG.
A versatile tool to convert your DVD/Blu-ray discs into Apple-compatible media.
Comments (9)
1) Experimental Hybrid version 1.70 beta 4 (recommended). = File version: 1.70.4 (I have this one).
2) Unicode version (Win 7 / Vista / 2003 / XP / 2000 /NT) - beta 2, 2009 update. = File version probably: (now reported as latest version in software informer).
3) Non-Unicode version (Win 95 / NT / 98 / ME). - beta 2, 2009 update. = File version unknown to me.
So versions 1.70.4 (hybrid) and (unicode) are basicly both the same (and latest) beta program versions.